Thursday, 23 September 2010

Paco di Bango's world of bullshit.

Whats hot right now? Don't listen to 'Heat' magazine, because they're way off the mark... I'll tell you whats hot... Having an online rivalry with Deadmau5. Yes that right, Rusko started off the craze a few months ago, then Mr. Oizo joined in, and now, Hilarious little fucker, Orlando Voorn has taken the craze to a brand new level... By writing a song about Deadmau5. You can hear the track here.

If you don't know the story.. It coz a little something like this. Mr. Voorn made a lovely track called 'Paco Di Bango's World' and then Mr. Zimmerman (aka Deadmau5) heard it and thought "I wanna do something with that" so he didn't. Mr. Voorn never gave Deadmau5 permission to release the track, so he didn't. It was simply a track he made for shit n giggles. So about half an hour ago, I get a message from a good friend of mine, just after reading a blog post from Deadmau5, asking if I had heard of what Orlando was up to. I hadn't, so my pal explained what had happened and sent me a link to the track. And it's 2:12 in the morning, I should be in bed, asleep, but instead I'm blogging because Mr. Voorn has pissed me off something rotten. And I know I shouldn't let shit like this get to me, but it does. Along with Top Gear and Daft Punk, Deadmau5 is one of the things I will always jump in a defend.

So now there's this bitter rivalry between Orlando and Joel, which Joel didn't even know existed until today. Just because Mr. Voorn is upset that Deadmau5 has a little more success than him and used one of his tracks for a sample. Earth to Orlando.. Thats what musicians do! Now, I don't know anything about Orlandos music, 'paco di Bango's world' is the only track I've ever heard of his, but I'm willing to put money on the fact that he has actually sampled at least one other track during his career. And I'm doing exactly what Orlando wants by writing this blog... Giving him publicity, but I'll be damned if some jumped up little prick like him tries to take down something I've helped build. Whatever kinda of stage Joel is on at the moment... We put him there, it didn't just happen over night. Which is maybe something Orlando should think about... His fans. And not a stupid and childish attempt to ruin fellow producers career. What on earth did he think he would accomplish from this? Did he think this would make all the Deadmau5 fans sit up and think "Holy Fuck! He's right, why did I buy all those Tickets and CD's and download all of his tracks, he's so obviously crap and a sell out" It's fucking playground behaviour.... I know a song that will get on your nerves type bullshit. "My dad could beat up your dad" mentalities. You're a fucking adult, not a 5 year old. So, Mr. Voorn, why don't you get off of your high horse and back to ground level where you belong and while you're down there, suck my dick.

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