Thursday, 16 September 2010

Grump Free Zone

So, this week, I've been pretty grump free. Only thing I can think of that pissed me of was a pair of socks. And weeing a lot, because that means getting out of my chair. Which I hate doing. I think, possibly this has a lot to do with the amount of sugar I've consumed this week. It's been a lot, I'm better on almost like, 2 tonne or something. So I'm literally running around my house after the cat just to touch it's fuzzyness and then run back up stairs to post on facebook... AGAIN. So I've been getting grumpy about stupid things, The Sun, Socks, my rug.. ect, and then fogetting about them. I'm drinking a least like a litre of Dr Pepper a day. I made cakes yesterday, two of which I ate, Trifle, and when I say Trifle I mean 'Whipped cream', cookies, chocolate biscuits, you name it. I, however, have no idea why, I don't even really like sweet foods anyways.

Anyways, because I've been super hyper this week and not grumpy, I thought I'd tell you about how t0ttaly PWND a Spitter on Left 4 dead 2. Because even I was impressed with myself, and I suck. So I was playing 'The Parish' campaing and was up in the little attic room, the one where you can either go straight throough into the kitchen or up the stairs into the attic bedroom and then through the hole in the ceiling into the kitchen. So anyways, I was up there collecting ammo and various other things when all of a sudden I hear "EEAAIIIAIIAEIEIEAI" which is obviously the spitter, So I'm like "Fucking bitch, I'm gonna get you for that you you spat on me while I was being raped by a hunter" (See, I suck) so I stand next to the wall on which the door is. The door btw is blocked by like a chest of drawers or something similar. So I'm standing there waiting for this spitter to do her dirty business, the bots are all freaking out coz the can hear her gobbing around. I switch from my Melee to my gun and hear her getting closer. By now, she's at the door, you know when you just know that a spitter is at the door, it was pretty much like that. And I bet she's thinking "Well where the hell is Ellis?" She doesn't realy care because she spits all over the other three, but JUST as she leans forward to spit  *BOOM* Head shot. Spitter brains everywhere. I even drew a picture detailing the event.

Also, another little window into how I suck. Tank. Molotov. Small room. Not a great idea. Though I did live through it.

1 comment:

  1. you seriously need to lay off the sugar... thats why you get grumpy: comedowns...

    true story
