Wednesday, 1 September 2010

A message to Ben Collins...

.. You slimy little man. What was it? You wasn’t making enough money from your company? You wasn’t making enough money from the BBC? Or did Andy Wilman just piss you off? I mean really, the nation, no, not just the fucking nation, people from all of the world love The Stig and they loved the anonymity of him, but you had to go and write a book and ruin it all. For what? A few extra pounds in your bank account? All the kids that look up to The Stig as a hero, did you think of them while arguing your case in court? All the Top Gear fans who watch the show every Sunday, buy the magazine, buy the tee shirts and toys and Stig Soap-on-a-fucking-rope. I’m guessing we all slipped your mind as you were too busy thinking about all the money you were gonna make from this. And I guess you never thought about the fact that it is us, the viewer, that made it able for you to be The Stig in the first place by watching the show and being loyal fans, and you go and throw it in our faces for, what I’m imagining to you, is petty fucking cash. I highly doubt that any respectable Top Gear fan will be asking for your auto-biography from Santa this Christmas.

You could have written a book, no one was stopping you from writing a book, despite your complaints about the other three presenters getting book deals, but you figured you’d sell more copies if you outed the big secret didn’t you. It’s so blindingly obvious why you’ve done it; It wasn’t enough to sell just to be ‘Ben Collins’ and write about your racing experiences. You’re probably thinking “Yeah, well Perry McCarthy did the same thing” and yes, he wrote an autobiography, revealing he was indeed ‘The Stig’, difference is, The stig didn’t reach a cult status when Perry McCarthy was on the scene. He didn’t have a horde of loyal Top Gear fans like todays Stig. Top Gear (‘Jeremys’ era of Top Gear that is) was still a baby back then.
And I know, I shouldn’t just be ranting about you, Ben Fucking Collins, the court is at blame too, after all they’re the ones who refused the court junction and is allowing this book to be published. And HarperCollins is also at blame for publishing the book. But if you hadn’t written the book, intending on outing The Stigs identity, none of this would have happened. You’d still have a book, and we’d still have our Stig. This is embarrasing for Top Gear, it’s embarrassing for the BBC, most mostly it’s embarrasing for you, Ben Fucking Collins. I feel confident in saying that you have made a lot of enemies today.

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