Monday, 27 December 2010

Sundays Hate Campaign: Christmas Special

I'm ill. Like srsly. I've been in bed since lunch time watching House with a migraine and back ache... I just wanted to crawl over to the PC and write something today, since I missed last weeks Hate Campaign. I can't remember why I missed that actually, I was probably masturbating. Or something.
However, I do hate being ill. I've always hated  being ill... I mean really, what is the point of it all? Why does the universe insist I spend the next two weeks in bed, coughing and in pain? Wtf did I do wrong, hmm? I mean sure I didn't buy anyone Christmas presents and I laughed at a dead cat last week, but really? Is that any reason to inflict this monstrosity of nature upon me? I don't think this is fair at all. No I'm joking... I didn't laugh at a dead cat.... that's just evil. 
However... I will admit, I didn't buy Christmas presents... I should re-phrase that really... I wasn't able to buy Christmas presents for my family this year because I've been flat out broke. Until I got my Christmas bonus... Two days before Christmas. Yay! I had £200 and no time to do anything with it. So... I ordered myself a Christmas present. Okay... I know, that is selfish. But I can justify myself. 
1. I am going to get my family some kind of gift in a few weeks, when I get paid again.
2. The thing that I ordered was actually a Death Trooper... Let me explain...
A Death Trooper is a Storm Trooper which is a zombie. Totally awesome right? I know. Well, these Death Trooper busts are fairly rare, there are only 2,500 that were made. I'm getting this thing shipping from California, at the cost of £30... WTF?! Yeh I know, Star Wars makes me do crazy things. Mix Star Wars with Zombies and there's no way you'll ever get any sense from me. I'm just not programed to handle that much awesome at one time. Sure, I can watch Return of the Jedi and then Shaun of the Dead, but if there was such a film as 'Shaun of the Jedi' ... I think I would literally overload. Anyways, maybe you'll understand when you see just how amazing this bust is...

BUT WAIT! There's more... It also has detachable plates which reveal the gross flesh of our Trooper.. AND.. Another attachable right arm with a blaster... REALLY! How could I not? All in all, it cost me £70... Most of which was shipping (probably, I can't do math). I ordered it direct from Gentle Giant which I think was a better idea than ordering from ebay, which, although the guy had 100% positive feedback, seemed... Weird to me. I like official. I like to have something from the shop that made it (or ya' know.. is licenced to sell it). Probably why I never liked ebay. But doesn't explain why I love Amazon. Anyway, I'm rambling on now, which is boring.
Basically, what I'm saying it... I've been dealt the sick card by the universe because I selfishly bought a limited edition Star Wars Death Trooper. And even though the universe knows (or at least believes) I'll go out and buy them something, it still decided that my time off work will be better spent in bed with a bad back and a head ache. I think.

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