Thursday, 14 October 2010

Steve's Big Toe, Staircases and Paintbrushes.

Tonight, my sister and I went to Camden's Proud Galleries to see Missing Andy play. They were great, but I'm not here to write about great things. So I'll start with the price of drinks at 'Proud'. I ordered a bottle of Stella for my sister and a Malibu and cola for myself. I watched the bar-tender grab a bottle from the fridge and place it in front of us, then bend down to get a class for my drink. He came back up and placed a 7oz class on the bar. I instantly shot a worried look at my sister, I knew the drink would be expensive, but I expected a little more than 7oz for my money. Just to get that in some sort of perspective, 7 oz is 0.35 pints. A pint in my local pub costs between £2.50 and £3, or there abouts. He then proceeded to fill the glass with ice, which I hate anyway, but he put like, 20 cubes of ice in the thing! Anyway, he puts a shot of Malibu in and tops it with Cola, turns to me and says "£7.60 please"... SEVEN. SIXTY! What? Seven pounds and sixty pence for a SMALL bottle of Stella and a 7 oz class of ice layered with basically just Malibu. Well, it was too late by then, I paid then man and kept the cup.

The Venue itself was a bit odd. In the day time, it's a gallery. For photographs of musicians... and F1 drivers. And by night it's a music venue. It's split into three 'sections'; the first, on your left as you walk in, is some kind of hipster room. Lots of irritating people with stupid haircuts pretending they're poor and not dancing to the 'all night DJ'... Who leaves at 1:30 am. On the left however, it's slightly less annoying, though still quite annoying. This room is full off 'Woo Girls', throwing their underwear at the band (which was actually hilarious by the way) Usually, I don't mind the 'Woo girls' but there were two there tonight who kept standing RIGHT in my way. Another thing I hate. It's simple logic. You're taller than me, don't stand directly in front of me when you have THE WHOLE GOD DAMN ROOM to stand in and dance like a fucking moron. So in the end I wriggled my way to the very front of the crowd, where the stage was. That way, no one could stand in front of me. Not even the twattish photographer who gave me a dirty look. The slag.

The room next to this appeared to be made of wood and flashing lights. They were in fact old stables, which is actually quite cool, if you don't mind  the idiots standing in the middle of the central walkway. You have a booth, fucking use it, you retard. Though, I didn't spend a great deal of time here, I only walked through to go to the 'Smoking Area' which is always too small, where ever you go.

Basically what I'm saying is, if you're a hipster, you like looking at photographs of (mostly dead) people,over-priced drinks, annoying women who throw their clothes around or wood and flashy lights, go to Camden's Proud Galleries. It's right opposite the pretentious 'earth shops'.

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