Friday, 21 January 2011

Mid Week Matters: Buffy The Vampire Slayer: The Movie?

Firstly, sorry this is a day late, I've literally been playing Minecraft for two full nights in a row. Which probablly isn't a good idea. Anyway...

I was reading through SFX Magazine today at work when I came across the 'Your SFX Wishlist' feature, in which they discuss an up and coming show/film/event or something readers might want to happen in the near future. In the March issue, the subject matter was a proposed Buffy The Vampire Slayer movie. A second one that is. My first exact thoughts were 'NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!' Before I decided to cool it and read the feature. You see, I grew up with Buffy. For years I watched the show, and I personally thought it ended well and should be left alone (Like a lot of other shows and films that should be left alone *cough* Transformers *cough* Star Wars *cough* X-men) There's an old saying... 'All good things must come to an end' I often like to finish that with '...and left alone and not be fucked around with'

So anyway, I got to reading the feature, the first argument SFX brings to the table seem to be in agreement with my initial feelings. 'Don't do it' is the title, carrying on with 'Without Joss Whedon' which is a very important start. I very much doubt I'd go and see a Buffy film if Joss and nothing to do with it what-so-ever. I have great trust in Joss and I believe that if he was a big part in making the film, it could easily be a success... IF the casting is right, which brings me onto SFXs second point. Either the film will have the original characters played by new actors and actresses, or there will be new characters. Which I do not care for. As for the perfect casting, that'll be the most difficult job. On the SFX forums, the general consensus seems to that Chloe Moratz (Kick Ass) would be a great choice. I agree, although she's too young to be Buffy now, in the future, she'd make an awesome Slayer. Another popular suggestions with Ellen Page (Juno, inception) which is a fucking stupid idea. I don't know who would make a good Buffy, maybe Olivia Wilde? She's an fantastic actress. And if you've seen her in House (rather than recently in Tron) you'll know how far her talents reach.

There were a few suggestions from SFX forum member chrismk, one I actually really agree with. Alan Rickman as Giles. Can you imagine that?! Snape as Giles... I have to admit, that would be legendary. Still not a touch on Anthony Head, but still pretty awesome. But then just when I though chrismk was cool, he goes and ruins it with this statement 'Megan Fox as Faith' ... What? Dude, did you not see Transformers? She's shite. Emma Stone (Zombieland) would do a good job in a role as Faith though. Also suggested for the role of Xander was Michael Cera (Scott Pilgrim vs. the World) which I can totally see working. He has the whole Xander thing going on already.

Then there's the 'When' debate. Will the film pick up where season 7 left off? Or will it be set way into the future? It's a very mixed opinion with no clear winner. Personally, I think it should be set about ten years into the future, well at least ten years anyway.Or present time. I dunno why to be honest, maybe s I can distace the Movie from the more easily.

What are your thoughts? Who do you think would make a kick ass Buffy?

Thursday, 13 January 2011

Mid Week Matters: Minecraft and AmnesiAAHHHH!!

Okay, I'm sorry this is like, a day late, but I was playing Minecraft yesterday all night instead of blogging. I was going to post, but I got carried away and distracted. You see, I've only just started playing Minecraft. After many months of people posting about it on facebook and me being confused as to what it actually is, I finally asked a friend to explain it to me. It sounded boring, but I thought I'd give it a chance and I played the free version you can play at and I've literally been playing it for about 4 days straight now (with exception to an hour of Amnesia). I decided to buy the full beta version on Monday. I was up until 6am this morning, still playing it. It's like The Sims, you kinda don't know why it awesome, but it is and you can not stop playing. I haven't even built anything, I'm just wandering around looking for coal for torches!

Possibly my favourite part of Minecraft is the songs. They're fantastically calming, don't you think? A friend of mine recently told me that Deadmau5 was planning on making some tracks for Minecraft. Whether or not this is true, I have no idea, but it would be a great flashback to his earlier 'Get Scraped' tracks. Anyways, here's some of the songs from Minecraft...

I love 'Cat'... But check out when you reverse it.. It's so much cooler...

Okay, I know that's a lot of videos and probably not enough writing, but you get what I mean with the tracks right? There are loads more tracks, but I don't want to fill up this post with Youtube videos, but I do encourage you to go and listen to them, because they're lovely tracks. Very nostalgic too.

Another thing I absolutely adore about this game is the Zombies. As a zombie fan, I guess it's kinda natural, but they're just so cool. I like to swim with them, like swimming with sharks. They're kinda cute in a way, like Bub from 'Day of the Dead'. They're pretty much harmless unless you get too close.

Now, the other game I bought on Monday was Amnesia after the huge rave about it and all of my friends agreeing It's one of, if not, the scariest games they've played. So on Tuesday I decided to wait for the fall of night to stick my head phones on, turn out the lights and play the game. And for an hour... Nothing. Happened. Wtf? Running about a dark castle trying to find lamp oil isn't scary. Whats the point? Why can't it just get straight into it? Why can't I open the door and there's a big scary monster? I've been more scared while playing Fall Out Vegas. And I know, I know 'I'm not far enough into the game' but honestly....After an hour I'd expect something to happen.

However, having said that, I will eventually go back to it and play it. Because I payed for it, therefore I will finished it. And hopefully it'll get better.

One last thing before I go and stuff my face with Pizza and play yet more Minecraft... This video of Amnesia game play was sent to me by a friend after she explained to me what the game was about. It's amazingly hilarious....

Monday, 10 January 2011

Phoenix Jones and The Rain City Superhero Movement.

I was going to save this little gem for Wednesdays 'Mid Week Matters' but 1. I'm gonna talk to you guys about Minecraft and Amnesia on Wednesday and 2. This is just too amazing to wait for.

I don't know if you've ever heard of Phoenix Jones and The Rain City Superhero Movement, if you live in Seattle, then you may have, anywhere else... Probably not. And luckily it's not a shite indie band with a pretentiously long name. It's exactly what the name suggests... A real life Superhero group. Based in Seattle, the 'team' has 9 other members; Red Dragon, I'm assuming Thomas Harris must have gotten bored, Thorn, basically Thor with an N, Buster 'Are you gonna bang doe' Doe, Green Reaper, The Grim Reaper's eco-warrior cousin, Gemini, Who I think got into crime fighting after her twin sister was brutally murdered by a super villian, No Name, wow, thats creative, Catastrophe, please don't come and save me, Thunder 88, who is actually 88 and er... Penelope. No seriously.. It's just 'Penelope'. But by for the best known from the crime fighting bunch is Phoenix Jones, who is a care worker and father of two by day. Kitted out with a bullet proof, rubber suit, a taser baton and er, pepper spray, he patrols the streets of Seattle scaring away drug dealers, robbers and even gunmen! Here's the best part of his suit... His groin area is completely unprotected. You know how I know that? He fucking told me! Well not me personally, but he told a news reporter for The Sun newspaper. I don't think Batman would be that fucking stupid. Okay, so you know how Superman had his little phone booth, Batman had the Bat cave, Spiderman had... His bedroom, well Phoenix Jones has, wait for it.... That's right, A comic book store.

He told Pete Samson of The Sun;
"I went to Wal-mart and bought a pair of tights, a leotard and some gloves and put on the mask the robber had left in my car"
Yep, he used evidence for his own costume after his car had been broken into instead of doing what a normal, rational person would do, which is, call the police. He goes on to say;
"I patrolled that streets in that costume for a while until I got stabbed in the back by a drug dealer. I thought, 'This is dumb. Fighting in spandex is for comic books'. So I got a better suit and Phoenix Jones was born"
What he probably should have thought was 'This is dumb, I'm gonna go home to my kids and not get stabbed again'

Apart from just generally being hilarious, there's something that seriously bugs me about all this. 'Superheroes' do their very best to avoid newspapers (Apart from that idiot Tony Stark) So I find it deeply annoying that Phoenix Jones has actually gone to the newspapers himself to tell them all about his crime fighting habits. Mate, you're gonna get yourself into deep shit with all those super villians. They may not know your name, but they know where you patrol and, weirdly, your suits weak spot. Coz ya' know... You told us that. Anyone else see a Keene Act being passed?

Oh, and by the way... They have a Facebook page too. This is taken from the 'info' section;
"They wear costumes, they ride around in a Kia at night looking for trouble and occasionally, they get stabbed."
That's right. A Kia. Check those kids out, how cool are they? Which is apparently is GRAN MOTHERS Kia. Not exactly the Batmobile is it. I want to know what model it is, a C'eed? Sportage? Probably a Sedona. But hey, least it's not a Dacia Sandero, right?

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Mid Week Matters: My 2010

This is a little bit of 'self advertisment' I guess... especially as I don't have anything from the web to show you this week. I've just spent the past hour or so making this video...

Birthday Mau5

Today (the 5th of Jan) is Deadmau5's birthday, so I got in the spirit of things and got creative... Heres a few mini B-day gifts for teh birthday girl. Happy 30th Joelololol...

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Death trooper arrival.

IT'S HERE! IT'S HERE!! And a little earlier than expected so kudos to Gentle Giant. Oh my, I haven't been this excited since the Tron soundtrack came out. I finally got my Star Wars Death Trooper. (Which are now sold out, I believe) Anyway, here are some picture for you to drool over.

Haha gross bits!

So as you can see, he's more awesome than awesome. I YES... I did take him out of the box... Wtf are you gonna do about it?! He has all these little plates that are detachable (So you can see his gross bits haha) and THREE 'alternative' arms. I wish you guys were as cool as me and had one. But you're not, and you don't.

Monday, 3 January 2011

Mondays Love Campaign? A Birthday surprise.

I know this is weird. Stacey being loving towards something, but today is a very special day. It's the birthday of one of my heroes. Which is special, I don't have a lot of heroes. So, er, this guy is French, part of a duo and like to dress up as a robot! Of all things... No it's not one of Justice. It's Thomas Bangalter of Daft Punk.

 Let me put it this way... If I met James May tomorrow, I'd probably say 'Alright James, how are you?' however, if I met Thomas Banglater I'd probably say something like 'He-aaaaar aaaarrrrrr ooooooooo huuuuuuurr?' and then fall over. It would be a big deal.

So yeah. I just wanted to say a HUGE happy birthday to Mr. Bangalter, because he's aweosme n stuff.