Thursday, 24 February 2011


I first heard of Rastamouse about a week or so ago. It's a kids show aired on Cbeebies in the UK about, thats right, a Rasta mouse. and his friends, 'The Cool Crew', who are apparently all in some kind of  band. When I first heard about it, I thought it was funny, because srsly... When have you ever seen a Rastamouse. It's a pretty genius idea. But apparently not everyone agrees. Some people think it's a bad idea and Rastamouse is a very bad influence on their children's fragile little minds. Just... Just watch how they're corrupting Britains youth...

How dare they teach children that stealing is wrong and dance in a humourous fashion. HOW DARE THEY?!

Apparently, the biggest worry is that it is the language used in the show. For example 'Wugwun' and 'irie' which are actually used by black kids, white kids, Asian kids, kids with giant octopus tentacles and 15 eyes all over the UK and I assume elsewhere too. I often greet my friends with 'Wugwun' does this make me a fucking racist? No. Does it make me ignorant? No. The creators of Rastmouse have been accused of 'Furthering racial stereotypes' which is fucking bullshit. When was the last time you say a Television show with a prominent Rastafarian character? Exactly, if anything , they're teaching kids more about the Rastafarian culture, which, contrary to popular belief, doesn't revolve around drugs and it's exclusively Black. And while I'm on the subject of drugs... Rastamouses love of cheese has been likened to drugs. FUCKING CHEESE! HE'S A FUCKING MOUSE!! I dunno if anyone noticed, but mice generally fucking LOVE cheese. That's like saying Popeye's spinach was steriods or Spongebob Squarepants took Extacy. Oh wait... Actually, that does brings up a pretty decent point. There are a million and one cartoons and kids shows/stories which hint at drugs far more often and more prominently. Spongebob, The Magic Round About, Alice in Wonderland, Fan-fucking-tasia...

Monday, 14 February 2011

Sundays Hate Campaign: The Return.

I know I haven't written my SHC for like, a month, but to be honest, I've not really been grumpy about anything enough to feel the need to write about it. But this weekend, something evil happened to me. Something that chilled me to the bone.... Housework. My dad bought me two new cabinets to go in my room and as a result, I had to sort though all of my things to put them into the cabinets. Saturday night I was putting away my vinyls into on of these cabinets, I push the vinyls to the back and, like, my stereo is on top of this cabinet, right. So when I push the vinyls, the whole thing moves backwards and something comes crashing down onto my head. I look down and see a full, glass bottle of Ouzo. A fraggin bottle of Ouzo fell on my head! So now I'm sitting there with my head in my heads, yelping in pain. I mean srsly, I'm surprised the damn thing didn't knock me the fuck out. I have a huge bump on my head, as well as a bruise, now. So now I'm wandering around the house look like fucking Greedo. I had to put a pack of ice on that shit! The last time I did any house work before that was some mild vacuuming, and that led to a stubbed toe. I mean really, why is it so dangerous? Surely someone would have figured out a safe way to clean a fucking toilet? Even the cleaning products could kill you! Bleach! fucking bleach actually has the ability to kill you and you keep it under the fucking sink? shits fucked up!

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Happy birthday Guy-Manuel

I know I haen't written in like 8 days. Whatever, I've been busy. I have a univeristy course to catch up on lol. Anyways, I just wanted to post this in honour of one of my all time loves, Guy-Manuel De Homem-Christo because it's his 37th birthday today....

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Full of Skrillex.

I keep meaning to write something up in here, but I tend to get distracted lately. Plus, I really haven't been grumpy about anything enough to feel the need to write about it. Well actually, I haven't been grumpy at all, and I think that has a lot to do with Skrillex. I went to see him live on Friday and literally for the past three days, I've had not a care in the world. It was his first UK show (lol London virgin) and wow! It was amazing! It was life changing for me, so I can't even imagine what it was like for him. The crowd went crazy for him. I'm listening to Skrillex almost constantly and bugging everyone on facebook with posts about him. Which I should stop really, but atm, I just can't help myself. I feel like I'm 14 again, except this time round with Sonny, it's Dubstep and House music, rather than 'Emo' (Yah, believe it or not... I did that way back when and I had the biggest crush on 17 yr old Sonny Moore) Also this time around, we're both happier. he's happier because he's doing exactly what he wants and he's finally able to be comfortable about that. And I'm happier because his music is just OMG STUPID GOOD! It just makes me smile every time and I can't help but sing along!

Whatever, I'll let the music do the talking .... Starting with my Current favourite, which was actually released under 'Sonny Moore' rather than 'Skrillex'

And one from the new EP 'Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites' (which you should all go and buy immediately it you haven't done so already)

And a remix... Which was one of my favourites live

And if this song doesn't make you fall in love, there's something very VERY wrong with you...

So, yeah, I'm totally in love with Sonny more in like, a million different ways <3